? Hi there . How are you doing
I’m Fahimeh .
اﻣروز ﻣﯾﺧواﯾم ﺑﺎ ھم اﺳم ﭼﻧد ﺗﺎ ﮐﺷور دﯾﮕه رو ﯾﺎد ﺑﮕﯾرﯾم .
و ھﻣﯾﻧطور ﯾﺎد ﺑﮕﯾرﯾم ﮐه ﭼطور ﺑﭘرﺳﯾم آﯾﺎ ﯾﮏ ﺷﺧص اھل اون
ﮐﺷور ھﺳت ﯾﺎ ﻧه ؟
ﺑرای اﯾﻧﮑﺎر ھﻣون ﺳه ﻣرﺣﻠه ی ھﻣﯾﺷﮕﯽ رودارﯾم :
ﮐﻠﻣﺎت ﺟدﯾد – ﻣﮑﺎﻟﻣه ﻧﻣوﻧه– اﺳﻼﯾد ﺟﻣﻊ ﺑﻧدی
آﻣﺎده اﯾد ﺑرای ﯾﺎدﮔﯾری ﮐﻠﻣه ھﺎ ؟
Let’s go .
New words
ﮐﻠﻣﺎت ﺟدﯾد
ﺑرﯾم ﺳراغ اوﻟﯾن ﮐﺷور
اﯾن ﭘرﭼم ﮐدوم ﮐﺷوره ؟
اﻓرﯾن ﺑرزﯾل
Brazil – Brazil – Brazil
) Great ( Brazil
اﯾن ﭘرﭼم ﮐدوم ﮐﺷوره ؟
اﻓرﯾن اﻧﮕﻠﺳﺗﺎن .
England- England -England
) Great ( England
اﯾن ﭘرﭼم ﮐدوم ﮐﺷوره ؟
اﻓرﯾن ،ھﻧد
India – India – India
Great ( India )
اﯾن ﭘرﭼم ﮐدوم ﮐﺷوره ؟
اﺳﭘﺎﻧﯾﺎ، اﻓرﯾن
Spain – Spain – Spain
Great ( Spain )
اﯾن ﭘرﭼم ﮐدوم ﮐﺷوره ؟
اﻓرﯾن ﮐره ی ﺟﻧوﺑﯽ
South Korea – South Korea – South Korea
Great ( South Korea)
اﯾن ﭘرﭼم ﮐدوم ﮐﺷوره ؟
ﻣﮑزﯾﮏ، اﻓرﯾن
Mexico- Mexico- Mexico
)great( Mexico
ﺣﺎﻻ ﻣﯾﺧوام درﻣورد ﯾﮑﯽ از ھﻣﮑﻼﺳﯽ ھﺎم ﺣرف ﺑزﻧم .
ﺑﺑﯾﻧﯾم اھل ﮐﺟﺎﺳت
This is Fataneh .
?Is she from Mexico
آﯾﺎ اھل ﻣﮑزﯾﮑه ؟
No , she isn’t.
ﻧه ﻧﯾﺳت .
She is from Japan.
اون اھل ژاﭘﻧه ؟
? Where’s your friend from
دوﺳت ﺷﻣﺎ اھل ﮐﺟﺎﺳت ؟
Conversation ( ) ﻣﮑﺎﻟﻣه
– Look . Here I meet Nick and Sara .
– Are they from England?
– No they aren’t. They’re from Brazil.
– Wow . Look at this photo. These girls are
very pretty. Are they from Mexico?
– Yes, they are.
– And this boy , is he from Mexico, too ?
– No , he isn’t. He is from India. His name’s
Roby .
– Wow . Yeah you’ve lot of new friends.
– Yes . And they all speak English.
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