Quantifiers + اسم های قابل شمارش در زبان انگلیسی
معرف های کمی اسم ( Quantifiers ) + اسم های قابل شمارش
معرف های کمی اسم (Quantifiers )+ اسم های مفرد قابل شمارش
معرف های کمی اسم ( Quantifiers ) استفاده شده در مثال های زیر a, an, each, either, every, neither, oneهستند.
A rubber duck is floating in the bath..
An evil monster like him has no friends.
He had a tattoo of a dragon breathing fire on each arm.
We can follow either path to the tribal village.
Every child received a lollipop.

Neither pineapple is juicy enough for me.
One page is missing from my cookery book.
معرف های کمی اسم ( Quantifiers ) + اسم های جمع قابل شمارش
این معرف ها both, many, several, two هستند.
Both donkeys are braying at the same time.
I think he is putting too many eggs in one basket.
Someone stole several piglets from his farm.
We baited the two mousetraps with cheese.
a few, few
a few , few قبل از اسم های جمع قابل شمارش می آیند. Few ( بدون a ) معنی منفی only a small number و hardly any وnot enough دارد ولی a few یعنی مقداری داریم که کافی است.
Grandmother gave me a few apples while one will do. (= Not many but enough or in this case, more than enough.)
There are few dentist clinics in this big town.
Few passers-by stopped to look at my paintings. (= Almost no passers-by were interested.)
کلمه ی کمی + of : اسم های قابل شمارش
کلمه ی کمی + ofوقتی عبارات اسمی یا اسم های خاص قابل شمارش داریم ، استفاده میشود. اگر کلمات کلی باشند این ساختار استفاده نمیشود. کلمه ی کمی + of در مثال های زیر ، این ها هستند:
a couple of, a great number of, a large number of, a number of, either of, most of.
o A couple of people at the next table began to talk louder and louder after the third round of drinks.
They looked helplessly as a great number of locusts swarmed the area.
Illegal loggers came again to cut down a large number of trees. .
A number of her friends agreed with her that she looked overweight.
We will use either of the parents’ cars for the trip.
Most of the shops in the area are not selling what you want..
a number of, the number of
کلمه number مفرد است. وقتی بعد از of ( تعداد + of) قرار بگیرد میتواند a number of, the number of شود. تفاوت این دو ساختار در این است که بعد از the number of ، کلمه مفرد ولی بعد از a number of کلمه جمع می آید. زیرا the number of معنی many را نمیدهد. فقط یک اصطلاح جمعی از many است. در حالیکه a number of برای این بکار میرود که معنی many میدهد.
The number of tourists who visit this resort at the weekends is in the hundreds.
A number of tourists have been robbed over the weekends.
No: There is a number of books on palmistry in the library..
Yes: There are a number of books on palmistry in the library.
اعداد اصلی یا ترتیبی
اعداد اصلی determiner هایی هستند که برای نشان دادن تعداد افراد یا اشیاء بکار میروند.
Twenty people were badly hurt in an accident involving a motorcycle, a car, a bus and a lorry.

The thirty-two children form an orderly queue.
We counted forty-six pigs in the farm.
The car-park can accommodate up to sixty-five cars.
اعداد ترتیبی
اعداد ترتیبی هم determiner هایی هستند که شامل ترتیب میشوند مثلا: اول ، دوم ، سی امین ، بیست و سوم ، دویستمین
یعنی جایگاه عددی مشخص یا چیزی را در یک فهرست نشان میدهد.
We occupied the third row from the front.
We are celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary this year.
I was the twelfth person in the queue when I joined it.
She received a special gift for being the thousandth customer in the new supermarket.